Timeline & Registration

Conference Programme

Arrival day/welcome reception: July 14th, 2025

Conference begin: July 15, 2025

Conference dinner: July 15, 2025, evening

Discussion dinner: July 17, 2025, evening

Conference end: July 18, 2025

Venue: Freihaus, TU Wien

Provisional Submission Dates

Submission of abstracts: January to March 2025

Notification of acceptance: expected April 2025

Participant registration and payment: April – May 2025

Conference Fees

Paymenf of fees will follow by credit card or bank transfer in April/May 2025.  Based on feedback from VC2022, we are trialing an option to receive the abstract book in a download only format.  Those who wish an abstract book in paper format have the opportunity to order one as an add on.

VC2025 Conference Fee Structure
VC2025 Fee Structure2025 Fee with discussion dinner2025 Fee without discussion dinner
Regular, includes 3 lunches, coffee & abstract book (pdf download)€440€380
Reduced (PhD & Retired), includes 3 lunches, coffee & electronic abstract book (pdf download)€280€220
Accompanying person (social events only)€150€90
Discussion Dinner Only€60€90
Abstract Book (print version)€10